Categorie archief: implantaat

In gesprek met Bart en Cathrien  Energetische Implantaten 😱

Generation of Creation

Op woensdag 16 maart 2022 zijn we een uitwisseling aangegaan met Bart & Cathrien, ze zijn bekend van 💛 Deze opname had helaas een vertraging tussen het geluid en beeld, we hopen dat het niet al te storend werkt. 🙏🏼

We hebben het gehad over een van hun specialiteiten, energetische implantaten verwijderen. We hebben geprobeerd antwoorden te verschaffen op diverse vragen zoals; ‘Waar komen ze vandaan?’ ‘Door welke rassen worden ze daar geplaatst?’ ‘Wat zijn de symptomen daarvan?’ En zeker niet minder belangrijk… ‘Wat kunnen we er aan doen om ze weg te krijgen?’ ❤️‍🔥

Deze twinflames zijn elkaar op het juiste moment tegengekomen, waardoor hun individuele paden werden samengevoegd zodat zij hun zielsmissie mochten gaan uitvoeren in deze tijd. Via diverse wegen mogen ze je meenemen in helende reizen waar ET healingen en het werken met draken energie voorop staat. 🐲

Daarnaast verzorgen ze de Ziele-Blauwdruk, iets dat ze iedereen aanraden. Niet vanuit een commercieel standpunt, maar omdat het proces van heel worden nodig is voor iedere ziel op Aarde zodra ze daaraan toe zijn. Daarnaast kunnen ze energetische implantaten verwijderen, zielendelen terughalen, heilige geometrie verwerken in de behandelingen en het gebruik van Arcturiaanse lichttaal. ✨

Daarnaast verzorgen ze nog een breed spectrum aan bijzondere workshops, kijk gerust eens rond op de website.

Wil je ook eens in gesprek met me? Je kunt me vinden via de diverse links hieronder:

Starseeds Nederland

Generation of Creation


Kryon noemde de “implant” voor het eerst in Kryonboek Een: De Eindtijden van 1993. De informatie werd gegeven in een energie die toestemming vereiste voor een implant en dit werd implantatie genoemd van permissie om karma te laten vallen. In de nieuwe energie is de term niet langer nodig en hij is daarom vervangen door onze pure intentie om karma los te laten. Kryon-Boek Drie: De Alchemie van de mannelijke Spirit, hoofdstuk vier, legt het implantatieproces verder uit.
[bron: De Kryon Begrippenlijst van Lee Carroll als het originele Kanaal voor Kryon sinds 1997 / 27 september 2017]

Tip: Alleen in het Nederlands zoeken. U kunt uw zoektaal instellen in de Voorkeuren
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Mind Meld 25 | Trying to Levitate with Claire Hoffman – Third Eye Drops… The healing of humanity
Increasingly people within spiritual circles are becoming aware of, and speaking out about, “energetic implants” in our energy fields. Working with energy implants is indeed something we do during the Openhand course and one-on-one work. Implants are prevalent within most, if not all, human beings. They’ve been used as a tool by Opposing Consciousness in the ‘dumbing-down’ of humanity. It’s a subject that needs to be elevated into the group consciousness more generally if we are to catalyse spiritual evolution, that we can heal humanity. So what are energetic implants? How do they work? Where did they come from? and most importantly, how do we remove them?…
Removing energy implants happens when we are ready
Up to now, we’ve tended not to talk about these implants because they can stretch tired and skeptical minds! But removing them is definitely more effective if people are aware of what’s going on, so I imagine in the years ahead, we’ll be much more transparent about the underlying catalytic healing work Openhand is doing.
During the courses we do, removing energy implants tends to happen naturally within the general underlying shifts of energy, but you can intensify the effect with greater awareness and direct focus. Once you become aware of them personally, essentially you already have the power to remove them yourself. So let’s take a closer look at their nature.
What are energy implants?
I think its important first to understand what they are, where they’ve come from and how they work. As we’re increasingly alluding to, there is a highly sophisticated life form operating in the field all around us. It’s an Inter-dimensional Consciousness – like a virus – which is essentially controlling society and farming humanity for energy. At Openhand we’ve called it an Opposing Consciousness.
Our DNA can be influenced from the fourth density field. Since DNA is a receiver/transmitter of frequency, then by projecting a particular vibration into the DNA – like lazer, sound or even thoughts and words – can shift and change it. Or even block it and dumb it down.
Having interfered with human DNA through genetic manipulation, this Opposing Consciousness has intervened in the evolution of the Homo Sapiens species. It has done this to limit and control, so that people cannot so easily feel, intuit or know external distorting influences coming in through their field and affecting the choices people make.
In effect, Homo Sapiens is a hybrid species, that we’re now being invited to heal, cleanse and evolve beyond. Even our DNA can be healed that we may evolve into a new form (something which at Openhand we call… Divinicus).
One highly undermining tool the Intervention has used to limit and dumb down, are energy implants. The best way to describe these are twisted eddy currents of energy that emit various frequencies which create something akin to ‘white noise’. People are internally distracted by the ‘noise’ which lowers their vibration and since it is so prevalent, then fades into the background of our experience.
Energy implants close to key chakras
Often, an energy implant will be inserted close to a key centre such as the third eye. So when people try to meditate and open that centre, the (now) subtle vibration of the white noise means they can’t actually bring attention to the authentic centre itself. When I sit with people in groups, I can literally feel their implants as twisted knots of energy, often in the forehead just left or right of the centre. They are frequently the reason people get headaches or migraines when they try to meditate. At the very least, as you become more sensitive, you might feel them as a subtle vibration or hum.
These implants not only lower your vibration, but they cause people to bleed energy into the field. And they act a little like a cloak, often concealing entities that lodge in your field which cannot then be ‘seen’ or felt. They cause you to get internally tight and emit energy, which is why the entities are there in the first place. They ‘assimilate’ the releasing energy for their own benefit – just like you or I would eat dinner!
Removing entities and implants
To remove them, firstly you need to expand your consciousness as much as possible, and become as sensitive as you can, by following your natural evolutionary path – the one we’ve outlined in 5GATEWAYS. You must first process out attachments to the lower vibrational planes: especially the physical and emotional. Then you can get into the mental or lower-mind plane through the solar plexus chakra. You must start to break down inner child and teenager conditioning by confronting conditioned behaviour patterns.
If you do this, then you’ll increasingly activate and unfold into your causal or energy body – the chakra and meridian energy field system. If an implant is present (which in most people they are), then you’ll start to feel this as unpleasant convolutions of energy – like distracting buzzing.
They often put people off meditating or doing any further energy work, but this is exactly the point to persist, because the paradox is, that once you can feel the implant, you already have the power to remove it yourself. Universal Life Energy is moved in the fourth density by heartfelt emotive will. It can begin as a physical/emotional experience which wells up from within and can then be directed through the field around us by focused intention.
The key is to feel the implant but then not retract from it. Instead you must go right into the centre of the feeling (no matter how uncomfortable) until it no longer defines you. If you can do this, you can begin to trace how it was inserted into your field in the first place. For example, people frequently feel them being inserted through the ear (please bear in mind, these are not physical plane implants, but since all bodily vehicles overlap and enfold one another, they also tend to be aligned with the physical vehicle channels/orifices).
So where this is the case, it becomes possible to direct ones energetic will to literally extract the implant through the channeling direction of the ear (the reverse in which it was inserted). A healer can help do this too. However, from personal experience, it is definitely more effective if the healer can energetically guide and talk people through what is actually going on. Especially since the implants do take different forms and dealing with each tends to have a different approach.
Once the implant has been removed, often there’s a noticeable infusion of higher self energy, powerful flows open and a reconnection to previously lost aspects of beingness.
Imprints of energy Implants
It’s also important to note that once the implant has gone, there will still likely be an ‘imprint’ in one’s field. Knotted energy will have formed around the implant which has characteristic feelings of the implant itself. These imprints will naturally unwind themselves in the hours and days following the implant removal. But it’s important to be aware of them, because doubt and disbelief (that the implant has gone) will make the healing work much less effective.
Removing entities and connection with the angelic realms
This is still not the end of the process though. Where an implant exists, often there will be one or more entities hiding behind the ‘cloak’. These must be removed too. Of course they will resist, it’s like being evicted from a cosy home! Again, once we can feel them, we already have the power to eject them. You simply have to intuit how to work with them. But you can also call in help from an experienced energy worker – it tends to ease and accelerate the process.
Connecting with the angelic realms also helps greatly – they are assisting humanity in this vital area. I can also say that if you hold some kind of internal judgment about the Opposing Consciousness (most people understandably do), then removing the entities is either not going to work or be only partially successful (they’ll likely return at that energetic level). We must first evolve past such judgment – whatever has been done to us – in which case, our effectiveness in the field is going to be greatly enhanced.
Healing Humanity’s Karma
This is a vast area in the karmic healing work humanity needs to now embark upon and I have only really scratched the surface here in this article. Openhand’s multi level Course Program is purposefully designed to integrate much deeper awareness helping healers unfold these skills themselves.
Finally we’re really beginning to understand and get into these limiting veils that have shielded humanity from its divine birthright for so long. I feel a growing sense of excitement and anticipation as the work unfolds. In the years ahead, I see humanity shaking off the mantel of oppression and evolving into a new, more divine form – something I’ve written about in… DIVINICUS: rise of the divine human
from my heart to yours
(on behalf of Openhand)
(Publishers – please publish with links intact and the Openhand brief biog. Thankyou <3)
About Openhand
Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution: integrating enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages, it is a way of tapping into the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe and aligning with it in your life. It helps you unveil your True Self, remove karmic blockages and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic, resilient and truly successful living.
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